Web Search Engines

Search smart by using the Boolean Machine when trying to narrow your results on the Internet or within databases. To a watch comprehensive summary about Boolean logic go to this this video created by the University of Aukland.

Try any of the following academic search engines to further increase your chances of locating useful and appropriate information.

Use this form as a guide when evaluating websites. Website_Score.pdf

Google Scholar
Search, find, locate and learn.

A computational knowledge engine.

Aiming to make academic information easily accessible to everyone.

A search engined designed and educationally evaluated with the student in mind.

Combines best of the “big dog” search engines, including Google, Yahoo and Bing to save you time.

An educational targeted search engine for safe, authoritative
intelligent and time saving browsing.

A scholarly internet resource collection.

“Two Wordy?” Use this Google based search engine to find a reading level within your comfort.

If you insist on using only Google, use these following tips to get the most out of it.
Get more out of Google
Created by: HackCollege